i will show you how to make a stove top espresso from the beginning to end.also the best type of bean to use.after viewing part 1 go to part 2 to see the final results.. for this demo i am using coffee beans bought from the costa coffee shop (GRADE 5) WHICH ARE THE STONGEST YOU CAN GET.always grind your own beans when possible and use a very fine grind.a BURR grinder will give the best results but you can use any type of grinder as long as you make sure of a very fine grind..use your favourite beans and also experiment with different beans from other countries but for espresso always uses a stong bean(longer roasted)good luck and enjoy your coffee.just a small detail...the pot is usually sold and marketed as a espresso maker but true espresso requires at least 14 bars of pressure which cannot be achieved on a stove..i would prefer to call it a very strong cup of coffee.(thought i had better point that out because there are a lot of coffee experts about that would say the same...some people call it a MOCHA
Tags: espresso, stove, top, coffee, strong, beans, grinder, burr, countries, pot, roasted, how, to, make